Our terms
With our help, we do our best to make you feel like a second home in Poland
We offer stable work, clear and understandable employment conditions, therefore we welcome future employees who want to work with us on an ongoing basis and in the long term
Our advantages
We do our best to make you feel as comfortable and safe as possible while working in another country

Extensive experience

We have been successfully working in the market of legalization and paperwork for more than 8 years – this is the main indicator of stability, success and client confidence in our firm. Why? Over all these years, we have successfully passed many inspections from various state inspections and continue to meet quality standards for consumers

Support for entrepreneurs

We help entrepreneurs find the right employees. In fact, we relieve them of all obligations related to the search, selection and ongoing support of employees. Our company also solves all issues related to the organization of stay and residence of foreign employees in our country.

Assistance to future employees

We also take care of the medical examination of employees and their training. We conclude employment contracts, pay salaries, pay ZUS contributions and all taxes, and provide the necessary employment-related certificates.

Conditions of residence

We provide all our employees with comfortable and modern housing.

  • Couples are accommodated separately from other residents
  • No more than 3 people live in each room
  • We have all the amenities for a full life
  • The kitchen has everything you need for cooking.

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