PESEL number
Getting a PESEL number with us is always fast, without any problems and worries!

About the service

The PESEL number is an 11-digit identification code assigned to Polish citizens from the moment of their birth. Foreign nationals who have arrived and plan to reside in Poland must obtain a PESEL within 2 weeks of their arrival in Poland.


In some cases, it is possible to obtain a PESEL without a residence permit. The electronic population register contains data on all individuals who have a PESEL number. A lot of information is recorded for each PESEL, including information about residence, place of work, marital status, unpaid fines, as well as information about possible criminal cases in courts and other aspects of personal identification.


The value of the PESEL identification number for foreigners in Poland has been steadily increasing over the years.


Previously, many people did not understand what this number was for, as they hardly ever had to deal with its use. Now it is required almost everywhere.


USPI WORK will issue you a PESEL as soon as possible.

Who needs a PESEL number and why?

Today, a PESEL number is required for opening bank accounts, obtaining loans, employment contracts, registering in Poland, sick leave, concluding insurance contracts, obtaining residence cards, filing tax returns, starting a company, and making property purchase and sale transactions.

Obtaining a PESEL is a cooperation between a person and the Polish state: information about a person is provided to the authorities, and in return, a simplified access to public services necessary for living in Poland is obtained.

What documents are required to obtain a PESEL number?

To submit documents to the office, you must have a foreigner’s identity document, such as a foreign passport, and, if available, a valid visa, as well as a rental agreement.


Before visiting the office, it is recommended to fill out an approved application form, which should then be submitted together with your passport and the contract to the inspector. If necessary, additional documents may be required in accordance with specific requirements.

Where do I need to submit the documents to obtain a PESEL?

To get a PESEL number, you have to go to a local office in your city or village. They will help you fill out the form and issue the PESEL number.

What do I need to apply for a PESEL number?

To obtain a PESEL number, you need to contact a local office with your documents and the rental agreement. An inspector will check your documents and issue a PESEL number in a few hours.


If you do not have a residence permit, you can also obtain a PESEL number by filling out a special application.


Getting a PESEL by contacting our company will take a minimum of your time. Our main goal is to save your time and nerves. Obtaining a PESEL number with UPSI WORK is fast, without unnecessary worries and anxiety!

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